Drs. Bronstein & Wang as Upper Extremity Specialists we strive to assist our patients regain and maintain their gainful use of the shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands. Our training has afforded us expert experience in treating newborns, children, adolescents, and adults of all ages from the fingertip to the shoulder, whether due to congenital, developmental, acquired, arthritic, post-traumatic or overuse conditions. We do our best to ensure that personal and unhurried attention can be provided to each patient spending additional time teaching them about their problems so they leave with a good understanding of the cause, treatment, and prognosis for their condition. We individualize our treatments for each patient as each patient presents with their own unique circumstances leading to their condition often varying not only from occupation, recreation or hobby, but also from one limb to the other as each upper extremity typically specializes in different tasks based upon hand dominance.
Dr. Probert is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist who, as an independent contractor, performs nerve conduction and electromyogram studies on the upper extremity for the practice weekly.
Within our state of the art facility we offer Clinical, Rehabilitative and Surgical treatment for our patients accepting most insurances, private, worker's compensation, including state and federally sponsored programs. Although we are surgeons by training, we take pride in first guiding our patients through a well designed conservative treatment program, typically reserving surgical management for those patients that have exhausted their other options for splinting, medication, injections and/or therapy. When surgery is required, we take time to answer our patient's questions to their satisfaction and coordinate their procedure with skilled anesthesiologists at accredited facilities with postoperative plans of care to optimize their outcome.
Our goal is to provide the highest quality care to the patient using state-of-the-art techniques, by keeping up-to-date with current publications, meetings, and courses.
Our Philosophy and the the Conditions we treat //
Shoulder, Elbow,
Wrist & Hand Conditions
Basilar Thumb Arthritis (Primary & Revision Arthroplasty)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Primary & Recurrent)
Compartment Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD)
Complex Wrist Reconstruction
Congenital Hand Deformities
Crush Injuries,
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
Distal Radius Fractures
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Epicondylitis (Tennis / Golfer’s Elbow)
Fracture Care
Phalangeal Fractures
Metacarpal Fractures
Carpal Fractures (Scaphoid through Triquetral)
Distal Radius and Ulnar Fractures
Elbow Fractures (Radial Head, Olecranon, Coronoid, Humeral Condyles)
Fusion (Complete and Partial Arthrodesis)
Ganglion Cysts
Gamekeeper’s / Skier’s Thumb
Gouty Arthropathy
Guyon’s Canal Ulnar Neuropathy
Hand Tumors
Industrial Hand / Wrist / Elbow/ Shoulder Injuries
Kienbock’s Disease
Mallet finger
Nailbed Injuries
Nerve Injuries
Occupational Ergonomic Evaluation
Pregnancy-induced Carpal Tunnel
Regional Anesthesia Catheterized Exercises
Raynaud’s Disease
Repetitive Stress Conditions
Rotator Cuff Pathology
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scaphoid Fractures
Sports injuries (Pro, College, Youth)
Stroke Contractures
Tendon Repair and Reconstruction
TFCC Injuries
Trigger Finger
Wrist Arthroscopy
Wrist Trauma

Bronstein Hand Therapy is a full service Occupational therapy unit for patients needing ongoing rehabilitation care for their arthritic, athletic, industrial, traumatic, repetitive stress and neurologic conditions of the upper extremity. The Bronstein Hand Center has an on-site full-time occupational therapists expertly trained in hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder rehabilitation. Our facility has an acute, triage center within our office adjacent to the patient exam rooms so that the patient, doctor and therapist can optimally set a team effort rehabilitative treatment plan.
We have a dedicated, compassionate, and highly skilled Occupational therapy team staffed by Dignity Physical Therapy working full-time providing splinting, massage, range of motion, sensitization and desensitization techniques. They offer paraffin, ultrasound, cryotherapy and other modalities to facilitate our patient recovery. We offer dexterity and ergonomic training, strengthening and return to work rehabiliation with simulation techniques. Our therapist is well-trained with state of the art rehabilitative published protocols from national centers of excellence and then customized by the Bronstein Hand Center physicians.
We have an ongoing lecture series with local therapists to improve our quality of care, and to rewrite therapy protocols striving to be the most progressive Hand therapy unit in Las Vegas.
There are multiple Hand therapy sites for our patients convenience including Summerlin, North and Central Las Vegas, and Henderson. Our patients typically will combine their physician office visit with a therapy visit when they are at the Bronstein Hand Center for their acute care, and then return to their neighborhood therapy unit for continued hand therapy care as their condition matures along its healing process.